Armchair General Forums
Become a member of the Armchair General community
Armchair General online hosts forums – public meeting places for open discussion of various topics, sometimes referred to as a bulletin boards or discussion areas.
When you join our community, you may enter any of our forums where you can interact with other ACG readers by clicking the “Post Reply” button after you type your questions, answers and opinions on a variety of topics, or hit the "New Thread" button if you want to start a new subject for discussion. You may also simply browse the forums and read what other like-minded people are writing about on different issues.
In addition, when you become a member of our community, you may participate in trivia tests and our web polls that sometimes include random drawings for free prizes.
Membership is free, and we don’t ask for any personal information. All you need is an email address to join. Join now.
If you want to browse our forums before joining, click here.