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Posted on Nov 26, 2006 in Armchair Reading, Front Page Features

ACG WebOps (19-25 November 2006)

Jim H. Moreno

Welcome to WebOps, Armchair General’s weekly Internet recon of links relative to military history news, articles, websites, and more. This week in WebOps: Honoring the life and mourning the deaths of World War I and World War II veterans, history finds yet another use for the versatile AK-47, a look at a couple of top military history museums, and more. Clicks away!


Document recounts Washington’s close call – Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

"Remarks", an 11-page document written by George Washington himself, describes one of his many close brushes with death on the battlefield – this one almost coming about by friendly fire in November 1758. Boggles the mind to think what America’s history would be if he had been killed during combat.


World War II soldiers had up-close view of history –

This excellent military historical eulogy honors two World War II veterans from Danbury, Connecticut.

Military relics – Journal & Courier Online

The Tippecanoe Battlefield Museum in Battle Ground, Indiana, will be opening a new exhibit on December 1, tracing firearms and their use helping establish the United States from the 1800’s to World War II.

Soldier Missing in Action from the Korean War is Identified – DefenseLink News

Pfc. Charles H. Long, U.S. Army, of Durand, Illinois. Welcome home.

Recently Honored WWI Vet Dies at 111 –

We know how quickly World War II veterans are passing away. The only fact more sad is that there are only about 25 American World War I veterans remaining, after the recent death of Ernest Charles Pusey.


Pieces of military history – The Reporter Online

The history behind two 155mm Grand Puissance Filloux cannons now at Memorial Park in Landsdale, Pennsylvania.

A sacred place –

An in depth look at the Canadian War Museum and the exhibits within. Sadly, sans photos.

Weapon of Mass Destruction –

Reporter Larry Kahaner uses the AK-47 to link World War II and the War on Terrorism.


Author to discuss women in the sky –

Blogs – Netcasts

The Lion of the North – Military History Podcast

The Battle of Hericourt – Military History

Battle of Belmont – Military History Blog on the Web

Forrest v The United States – Nashville for the 21st Century

Guerrilla Warfare-I (northern geography) – Military History & Fiction


Stay Alert, Stay Alive!

Jim H. Moreno

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