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Posted on Dec 18, 2006 in Armchair Reading, Front Page Features

ACG WebOps (10-16 December 2006)

Jim H. Moreno

Opinion – Editorial

Our legacy: How much do you really know about the Civil War? –

Yet another article in a long list of articles this year on the importance of teaching the world’s youth about their military history, this time with a focus on America’s Civil War.

Books – Movies – TV

Fifty Years and Counting: "T-41 Mescalero" Reveals How the World’s Most-Produced Light Plane Has Served the Armed Forces of 54 Countries – PR Web


Here’s a short press release about a new book on the prolific military history of the Cessna Model 172 Skyhawk.

Taking a new look at WWII soldiers – The Japan Times Online

"Recent works focusing on the personal writings of the Japanese who died for their country provide Americans a chance to learn, perhaps for the first time, who these soldiers actually were."


TV news piece about military historian Stewart Portela on the release of his second book, "Footsteps in the Sand".

War: A Reader’s Guide – New York Times

Notable writers and authors were asked to "recommend titles they find particularly illuminating" by the New York Times Sunday Book Review. Here’s their list.

Blogs – Netcasts

Merchant of Death – Military History Podcast

Viktor Anatolyevich Bout is military historian George Hageman’s subject this week. Don’t know who Viktor Bout is? Catch the movie Lord of War with Nicolas Cage.

Does anyone read military history? – The Garrett Tree

Robin Rowland echoes the lament of many military historians in this blog: "If someone is going to either support, or criticize the military, or both, it is wise to have a knowledge of military history." Amen, brother.

Media Lens vs. historical understanding – Oliver Kamm

"This is a long post. You can go directly to the last sentence without any loss of meaning." So says the author of this blog, Oliver Kamm. But, to do so would I think cause the reader to miss out on Kamm giving Media Lens and those who collectively write about some form of military history without knowing or citing the facts the what-for.

Cavalry Charges: Shock – Investigations of a Dog

This entry in a strangely named blog charges off a series looking at the tactics of cavalry throughout military history.

Guerrilla Warfare-III (horses and swords) – Military History & Fiction

This blog continues the lengthy and interesting series looking at guerrilla warfare.

Silent Night… – Deep roots are not touched by the frost

Provo, Utah resident Alex Esplin pens this blog, and here he looks at two possible military historical origins of the Christmas song Silent Night.

Battle of Spotsylvania – Military History Blog on the Web

Recent addition to the Military History Encyclopedia on the Web.

Dusting off the Hunley – Touch the Elbow

"Although over 4 years old, it is a great way to start your day off, Civil War style." I agree!


Dear America – Letters Home from Vietnam – Google Video

This link comes courtesy of ACG website member The Cooler King via his post in the Vietnam War forum section. Thanks, dude!

Stay Alert, Stay Alive!

Jim H. Moreno

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