Canadian War Musuem
Once we completed the tour of the Main exhibition, we found ourselves in the LeBretton gallery where there is a diverse collection of vehicles, artillery and other large artifacts from the 17th century through today. Allied tanks and vehicles, captured German artillery pieces are all exhibited on the bottom floor of the museum. A truly great collection.
Soviet T-72 Main Battle Tank
The visit wouldn’t have been complete without me attending at the museum’s Military History Centre. There are numerous books, and private collections of photographs, journals, newspaper articles, documents donated to the museum so military historians can view. A large database is available online to the historians and can be found here.
US M3 Lee/Grant medium tank
German Jagdpanther IV tank destroyer
If you are planning to attend the museum, I suggest arriving early in the morning to avoid the crowds. We arrived at 9:30AM and competed the tour at 1:45PM. Numerous volunteers and staff are on hand to assist the public and to offer explanations of exhibits. While we were looking at an Enigma machine, we were approached by a Veteran who had worked in crypto during the war and fascinated me with the use of codes, computers and decrypting methods used during World War II. The Canadian War Museum is a most stop for all. Oh and make sure you take a camera!!
Danny Bouchard
Some parting pictures:
M548 Armored Cargo Carrier
25 pdr. self propelled (Sexton)
Soviet T34-85
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