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Posted on Mar 21, 2005 in Books and Movies

SAS and Elite Forces: The Elite Military Forces of the World – Book Review

By Bruce Quarrie

SAS and Elite Forces: The Elite Military Forces of the World
Bruce Quarrie
The Lyons Press

When this book was first published, in 1990, I have no doubt that it was quite interesting, and an enjoyable read. The fact that it has been re-issued fourteen years later, with scarcely any updating significantly detracts from its value. As well, more than one-third of the book is devoted to British special purpose units and, with the exception of a couple of the US forces, the accounts of other forces are quite generic. In addition, several passages are quite dated (e.g. British forces training in Hong Kong, and US forces stationed in the Philippines), and the editing/proofing is quite poor. Still, it is informative and entertaining, and I would recommend it for leisurely reading, though not for serious research or reference.
