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Posted on Aug 3, 2009 in Boardgames

2009 Historicon Award Winners

Gerald D. Swick


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'Shako II' by Arty Conliffe won Historical Miniatures Rules of the Year; 'Scenarios for Shako' from Quantum Publishing took the award for Historical Miniatures Rules Supplement. Bob Giglio is shown accepting the award from Bob Coggins on behalf of Arty Conliffe.

Each year at Historicon, the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society East presents awards for best miniatures, rules, etc. Individuals are also honored for their contributions to the historical miniatures gaming hobby. These are the products and people honored in 2009.

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  1. Historicon 2009 Photo Essay » Armchair General - [...] here to see photos from the HMGS awards ceremony. Help Armchair General by bookmarking [...]