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Posted on Apr 25, 2011 in Stuff We Like

The Civil War Today – Yeah, There’s an App for That

Gerald D. Swick

In the overpopulated world of apps, entries range from great to goofy (Yeah, we know, sometimes goofy is great, too.) but rarely does a history-themed app rise from the milling cyberthrong to become a superstar. But The Civil War Today garnered Apple’s coveted App of the Week designation.

Slated to provide daily updates on what was happening 150 years ago during "The Late Unpleasantness," along with maps, videos, games, etc. TCWT will remain active through April 26, 2015, the 150th anniversary of the day John Wilkes Booth was killed. Not bad for eight bucks.

The app has its shortcomings, though, as Virginia Heffernan noted in a New York Times opinion piece, although these may be addressed over the course of four years.


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