Tactics 101: 021 – Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield in Urban Operations
Building Construction
Mass buildings:Â Mass-construction brick building
    – thick lower walls
 – small vertically aligned windowsÂ
Mass-construction stone building
   – thick walls
 – deeply recessed windows
Wall and slab building
Mass buildings are highly defendable and are easily converted into strongpoints.
Framed buildings:Â Framed building skeleton
 – large open bays
 – concrete / steel columns
 – slab floors
 – exterior glass / thin material
 Heavy clad walls
 – central entrance
 – frame behind brick wall
Frame buildings are dangerous. They can collapse on your or burst into flames. Soldiers my also be wounded by their own fires as they pierce, pass through, or fragment the less substantial framed walls.
Brick buildings.
Let’s categorize an urban area using building types.
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