Seimon Pugh-Jones, ACG Combat Photographer
I do tend to employ a lot of reenactors, who are a great bunch. Very enthusiastic, authentic, and since I am a collector myself, we’re on the same wavelength! It also makes a good social event, as I think that looking after people is very important, and judging by the requests I get by the reenactors to be invited back, I think it works. It’s about creating a workable team, and giving people an experience. Often the picture calls for large props such as jeeps, tanks and aircraft. So an understanding of health and safety is paramount. My Ministry of Defence background has given me good grounding in this department.
One of my favourites..taken on a local beach. My friend Rhun,
is the Medic… Surrounded by Aberystwyth University
students. I think a lot of my models get an experience
from doing these shoots, and go away with a lot more respect
for veterans
One of my favourites. The Hoplites, photographed
on a local Beach…Borth, Mid Wales, not too far from where
they filmed "First Knight"
The magazine has just been voted number twenty five in the top fifty best US magazines (out of 17,500) and for "a new kid on the block"… that’s fantastic! With bosses like mine, who give me all the creative flexibility that I need, and trust me to come up with the goods, and are totally enthusiastic – who could ask for better? I hope to be doing this for a very long time.
We wanted a typical late war look for this shoot.. so with costume
advice from Richard Underwood, and the youngest guy we
could find who wore an uniform two sizes too big for him,
I think we achieved a very realistic look.
We actually "dug in" a real Anderson shelter for this shoot, took us a day…
The Model is Mari Lovgreen, she’s a TV presenter for a Welsh TV show
called UNED5
Well I have to have a new ambition: I would like to play drums with Jools Holland(or Rolling Stones, I don’t mind)- so Jools/ Mick if you’re reading this!
Finally, I’d like to thank my art teacher, Wynford Nicholas, for lending me his Zenith E. and also Don Moore, who got me into all this!
* * *
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Hi Seimon,
hope you are well.
you may remember me back from Cardiff antiques market or the odd Beltring show, talking about german period props for photography. Have been over in germany for two and a half years now and would like to get in touch again!
Walter what are you up to these days?
Hi Walter, Hope you’re well Mate
Back in South Wales… You can contact me on
Hi Seimon, Please can you e mail me the dates of the next militaria fair at Laugharne.The last one was outstanding.many thanks Lyn.