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Posted on Jun 30, 2006 in Games PR

PR: Panzer Command: Operation Winter Storm Now Available

Armchair General

Panzer Command: Operation Winter Storm Now Available

June 30th 2006- Matrix Games and Koios Works ( are pleased to announce their newest World War II 3D Tactical game, Panzer Command: Operation Winter Storm, is now available from the Matrix Games website and available live at the Origins Game Convention in ColumbusOhio.

Panzer Command: Operation Winter Storm is a 3D simultaneous turn based strategy game where you command either the Soviet or German forces during the desperate attempt to reach the encircled German 6th Army at Stalingrad.  Each side has detailed 3D units of the historical vehicles and squads, from Panzer IIIs and T-34s to PanzerGrenadiers, Artillery and Air Strikes.  Two campaigns (one German, one Soviet) tie the scenarios together, allowing core units to progress from battle to battle, gaining experience, medals and special abilities. A point system allows players to "purchase" additional units for each mission in the campaign as well as replace losses, forcing decisions on management of resources.


The design for Operation Winter Storm lets first time users sit down and start playing, while allowing hard-core gamers to enjoy the realism and historical accuracy.  All campaign battles can also be fought as individual scenarios and two separate skirmish scenarios are included for maximum replayability.  The AI can control either side in each battle and a full Play-by-Email system allows for head to head play.  

Panzer Command: Operation Winter Storm is also the first 3D tactical WWII game where the unit and weapon data as well as the unit art is stored in easily accessible formats to enable mod support and customized scenarios and campaigns post-release.

For additional information visit the Matrix Games website or forums at