PR: Lux Delux 5.6 Update
Lux Delux 5.6 update
Lux Delux has been updated to version 5.6. This version comes withmore mod keys (see below), network game improvements, newpreferences, and a new default map U.S.A. War Zone. This is a freeupdate for registered Delux users, alongside an updated demo. Â
Also new is a Guide for getting the most out of Lux Delux:
5.6 changes in detail:
Hold down one of the 2-9 keys and click countries while placingarmies to divide your group into 2-9 equal groups.
There are new settings in the Preferences window.
The map editor has a new mode to draw shapes, including circles,ovals, and hexes. It also has better edit shapes mode and Undo.