PR: Lock n’ Load Publishing to Release Previous ACG Magazine Games
Games for impatient gamers……
Henry, VA, March 14, 2006 – Lock ‘n Load Publishing, the sole publisher of Lock ‘n Load board games, announced today a new line of high-quality downloadble games for impatient gamers who want their fun now.
These are smaller, yet well-developed, Mark H. Walker designs that incorporate the beautiful art of Nicolas Eskubi. The first three – Valley of Tears, Omaha Beach, and Brothers by my Side – were originally published in Armchair General magazine and have been further developed, given spiffy covers by David Julien, and –in the case of Omaha Beach and Valley of Tears- even include bonus scenarios/material not included in the original games. Browse their product pages; we think you’ll be impressed.
{default}You can purchase them right now, receive a link, download, print and play. No fuss, very little muss. Like we say, “more games, less guff.†For more information steer your browser to