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Posted on Nov 23, 2009 in War College

MAP OF THE MONTH – The War Goes Global 1941 – 1942

By Armchair General

The War Goes Global, June 1941 - end 1942 animated map. Courtesy of The Map As History.  

Welcome to a new feature on ArmchairGeneral – Map of the Month!

We’ve partnered with The Map as History, a company that produces outstanding animated maps with accompanying narration. Each month, a link to one of their animated maps will be featured on the ACG site.

The Map as History is published by Images et Savoirs. Based in France, the company’s maps have been approved by the French Ministry of National Education.


To visit the animated map The War Goes Global, June 1941 – end 1942 click on the image above.

Suggested online reading:

Death of the Wehrmacht

Corregidor Virtual Tour


  1. Really interesting and outstanding animation! Definitly looking forward to future episodes!!

  2. This article made me think how nice it would be if the writer new to read German operational orders and he was less hasty in judging
    operational concepts;Stalingrand did not feature in the operational order or 1942,it was added later by “all knowing” Adolf who,for the shake of capturing The city of Stalin divided the all too powerful ‘Motpulk’ and put a death nail into the campaign of 1942.