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Posted on Dec 12, 2005 in Armchair Reading

MacArthur’s Legacy

By Joselito Pascual

RE:  Dr. Jerry D. Morelock, Col., U.S. Army (ret.) Preface to BATTLEFIELD LEADER: Douglas MacArthur: Soldier of the Century, October-November issue.

Thank you Dr. Jerry Morelock.  At last a fair and well-written treatment of a genuine American hero, repeatedly vilified by a biased media and most of today’s historians. 

I have framed for posterity your excellent preface on not letting MacArthur’s legacy "fade away."  It will be a constant reminder to my grandchildren of the greatness and goodness of this man and how his values reflect the best in America.  To ignore MacArthur’s legacy is to court disaster and weakness as we saw happened, tragically, in Korea (and later in Vietnam and some say is happening today in Iraq).  His advice to quickly cut off enemy’s supply line across the border went ignored by a tremulous and timid Washington.




Joselito Pascual
Anaheim, CA


Thank you for taking the time to write.  We hope to continue to deliver honest assessments of many other leaders throughout history, so their lessons (or failures) are not lost to future generations. 


Brian King
Website Editor
Armchair General