Jason Petho
Jason Petho
Title: Cartographer
Hobbies: Military history
Favorite Movies: NA
Background: Jason Petho is a qualified cartographer who specializes in historically accurate military history maps. Jason is a graduate of the Centre of Geographic Sciences in Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, Canada, where he received the "Cartography Award for Outstanding Achievement." Jason has contract war game design and development experience and is a very knowledgeable military history enthusiast.
Rainier, Oregon 97048-4304
Home: (503) 556-4801
Dear, Jason Petho
I have 1600 original navigational charts used by ships during WWII. These are all from a “Blue Star†Liberty Ship launched in Baltimore MD. The majority of the charts are of the Pacific. Some of the surveys for these Charts date back to the 1800s. These are Lithographs of the old-style Cartography – works of art – in my mind. There are also some 40, large, blank, in color, crossing the equator certificates.
I have listed all chart numbers and found the index list numbers for each, with very few exceptions. I know how many are in each drawer and the original price. The original price also helps to tell if the chart is in tri-color. If a four-section chart cost more than 40cents it probably is in tri-color. I have also listed the number of sections. Let me explain that: if you take a piece of paper (like an 8.5 x 11) if you don’t fold it you have one section, the face (we are not counting the back); if you fold it top to bottom the fold makes two sections; if you then fold it left to right you then have four sections. One section is approximately 22 1/2†x 17 1/2â€, so you can figure how big a 4 section chart would be.
The Information is now in a table that can be sorted. The “where†section is not complete yet but that is what the original chart index is for. So you go to the chart index, look at the area you want, see what chart numbers are in that area, find them in my table, go to the drawer (Left, Center or Right), count down and there is the chart.
Drawer# L C R CHART # LIST # $0.00 S WHERE #
Two questions: 1. Do you know what these charts are worth? Some have the original user’s notes on them, like reefs and atolls. If you need more information about the ship or want a copy of the index I could e-mail them to you (no charge).
2. Do you know of someone who would be interested in them? Someone could sell copies of them for the 75th anniversary of WWII.
I saw the movie (on TCM 02/02/2013) “Destination Tokyo†with Cary Grant where he, as the captain of a submarine, asked for a chart number 1291, which was, to my surprise, the real number in my index for Tokyo and the harbor.
Thank you for your consideration.
James W. Gotcher