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Posted on Nov 24, 2010 in Games PR

Indie PR Consultant Offers Discounted Services


It was a cold, windy, and rainy evening back in November 2009 when Indie Developer Consulting opened its doors, boldly claiming it could, and would, fulfill almost any imaginable game development service to independent developers of any size from bedroom coders to large scale developers.

Almost a year to the day, Indie Developer Consulting is still going strong, continuously expanding its portfolio of services and number of clients. In less than a year, Indie Developer Consulting has represented close to a 100 clients, written and issued almost 300 press releases, and dealt with PR, Marketing, Funding, Sales, Distribution and Publishing on all gaming platforms!

To celebrate its first anniversary, Indie Developer Consulting is offering special promotions (individually tailored) and price savings of up to 50% discount to any and all developers seeking the services of the firm: The two most popular services, the “Press Release” service, and the “Developer / Publisher Matchmaking” service, have special pricing and promotions for the duration of November, and other services beyond.


Contact Tina @ Indie Developer Consulting for further information: tina [at] indiedeveloperconsulting [dot] com  or check out their website at

Indie Developer Consulting is an alliance of industry professionals located in the Bay Area, California. The company provides services to independent developers, distributors and publishers of all sizes, supporting all platforms and technologies. Combined, the staff of Indie Developer Consulting has more than 30 years of game industry experience, and specializes in Public Relations, Marketing, Development, Production, Sales and Distribution.