In Country: The Vietnam War on DVD
Coming Home (1978) 0 Stars
Director Hal Ashby
Released 2002
Rated R
Image Credit: MGM
Coming Home from MGM.
Anti-war poster girl Jane Fonda in a Vietnam War film? That alone should earn this manipulative, depressing movie a minus-star rating. Fonda gave a better “performance” during her infamous, real-life visit to Hanoi as she sat behind the sights of a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun.
Apocalypse Now (1979)
Director Francis Ford Coppola
Released 1999
Rated R
Image Credit: PARAMOUNT
Apocalypse Now from Paramount.
The only reason this preposterous movie rates even one star is Robert Duval’s brief but outstanding performance as an air cav’ commander. Based upon Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness – a cautionary tale of 19th-century European colonialism in the Belgian Congo – Coppola’s monstrosity is weighted down with anti-war baggage. Marlon Brando, a previously great actor already in decline, provides unintended comic relief.
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