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Posted on Apr 17, 2014 in War College

FLASHPOINTS: Ukraine on the Brink of Civil War

FLASHPOINTS: Ukraine on the Brink of Civil War

By Armchair General

The three areas identified by Col. (ret) John Antal as the greatest areas of concern for US security in his April 17 FLASHPOINTS are Ukraine, Ukraine and Ukraine. He focuses entirely on the danger of civil war there.

Click here to download the pdf from Armchair General‘s FLASHPOINTS page.

John Antal has frequently authored articles for Armchair General, including “Wars Without End: the Challenge of ‘Arab Spring'” and “Flashpoint Gaza Analysis.” He has authored or co-authored numerous books. His latest is 7 Leadership Lessons of the American Revolution: The Founding Fathers, Liberty, and the Struggle for Independence. Read Armchair General‘s exclusive interview, “7 Questions for John Antal on ‘7 Leadership Lessons of the American Revolution.’


Get your alert as each new FLASHPOINTS is published on Armchair General! Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Get our RSS (the orange-colored icon on the left side of the page). In addition to Col. Antal’s FLASHPOINTS, you’ll receive notice when we post monthly articles by Carlo D’Este and Peter Suciu and our Tactics 101 series, as well as articles by other writers including Ralph Peters and Lt. Col. (ret) Jeffrey Paulding.


  1. This article may have been a little premature. Today, 4/18, Russia and the Ukraine have taken a step back from the brink. Whether or not it will last remains to be seen, but it’s a step in the right direction.

    • It did not take. This is exactly what Putin wants. He ether comes in like a hero on a white horse and gains all kinds of good guy points for “trying” to make peace, then the Ukraine looks like the bad guy. or the KGB Col. who says that “The breakup of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century.” gives HIS troops in the unmarked uniforms the green light and he take the Eastern Ukraine by force ( a lot like Hitler) And again Ralph Peters is right. 🙂