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Posted on Nov 3, 2005 in Armchair Reading

Douglas MacArthur: Soldier of the Century II

By Alvin B. Orsland

RE: Dr. Jerry Morelock, “Douglas MacArthur: Soldier of the Century” and “Editor’s Letter 11/05: Don’t Let MacArthur’s Legacy Fade Away,” Armchair General, October-November issue

Dear Editor:

I have a message to those who delight in mocking MacArthur as “Dugout Doug.”  Thanks to his unsurpassed economy of battle casualties, hundreds of thousands of young American soldiers survived the war, headed home to their loved ones, and helped rebuild the country. Three of them went on to become president of the United States.
Enjoyed your article. Great job, Col. Morelock.

Alvin B. Orsland
Iwo Jima Survivor
“H” Company, 3rd Battalion, 26th Regiment
5th Marine Division


Dear Alvin,


We have gotten several letters sharing this sentiment.  It is a fine tribute that so many look so fondly upon General MacArthur.


Brian King
Website Editor
Armchair General