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Posted on Aug 28, 2005 in Front Page Features, Stuff We Like

Beltring War and Peace Show, 2005

Armchair General

I would be remiss if I didn’t include something unusual – and since I liked the quirky snowmobile, I had to put it in here.

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I assumed these children were somehow related to the owner of this Sherman Tank, crawling all over it as they were. I’ll be gutted if I found out that I could have done the same thing.


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I found that the owner of this truck had scrawled "1945 – 2005 London can take it" on the side of his vehicle, a reference to the recent terrorist bombings in London. Too right. The picture on the right is of course a German Kubelwagon, the Third Reich’s equivalent of a Jeep.

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There was an entire area set aside for WWII German machinery, but I found the display to be somewhat lacking, until I found some other vehicles elsewhere (more on that later). But this was more than made up for the fact that some nice looking ladies then drove by in an armoured car and smiled at me. Not that I’m sad, oh no.

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