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Posted on Aug 28, 2005 in Front Page Features, Stuff We Like

Beltring War and Peace Show, 2005

Armchair General

An SS Officer confers with his troops as signals are received in the woods.

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As I strolled around the site, I found lots of small encampments established, with the re-enactors staying there fully living the life of their chosen soldiers, even during times when they might not be seen by others.


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This large German camp had a fully-operational stove and mess facilities.


There was a massive arena at Beltring where mock battles were fought at regular intervals. Unfortunately as I had other things arranged and only a short time in which to do them all, I only caught the tail end of one battle, a Vietnam re-enactment.


I wish I’d had more than one day at Beltring so I could have seen some of the actual shooting for myself, but alas it was not to be, and after ten minutes of running from one end of the event to the arena having heard all the gunfire and explosions, I was only able to catch the mopping up operations as the VC were routed.

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After the battle, the defeated VC sit in their own camp, ready for the next battle.


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