ACG WebOps (9 September 2007)
Welcome to WebOps, Armchair General’s weekly recon of links to military history news, articles, websites, and more. Finding World War II bombs, Camp Barnes, Vladimir Putin, and DARPA all make this week’s column, with lots more included. Clicks away!
Removing WWII Bombs Steady Job in Berlin – Hickory Daily Record
More than 60 years after the war’s end, removing unexploded bombs, grenades and artillery shells remains a full-time task for police and private companies all over Germany.
{default}The forgotten Holocaust: The Armenian massacre that inspired Hitler – the Daily Mail
The killing of 1.5m Armenians by the Ottoman Turks during World War I remains one of the bloodiest and most contentious events of the 20th century, and has been called the first modern genocide.
Brueggeman lives history in Pea Ridge –
Kim Brueggeman and her dog, Winnie, sought shelter from the hot September sun Saturday morning at the Pea Ridge Military Park.
Navy veteran recalls the ‘largest ammunition blast’ –
This year is the 40th anniversary of one of the largest ammunition blasts in military history, which occurred Sept. 3, 1967, in Dong Ha, Vietnam. A rocket/artillery attack by the Viet Cong/North Vietnamese Army blew up an estimated 20,000 tons of ammunition at Camp Barnes, leveling the base and leading to numerous secondary explosions.
The power of history: Haiti – San Francisco Bay View
The Haitian revolution "was the only incidence in world history of an enslaved people breaking their chains and defeating a powerful colonial force using military might. … In many ways, Black August (at least in the West) begins in Haiti. It is the blackest August possible – revolution, and resultant liberation from bondage." – Mumia Abu-Jamal, "Black August – 2004"
Opinion – Editorial
Looking Further Back in History – The St. Petersburg Times
With Russia just having trumpeted its claim to a piece of the Arctic the size of Western Europe, the military has now announced ambitious plans to establish a permanent presence in the Mediterranean for the first time since the end of the Cold War. The guiding hand behind this resurgence is undeniably the country’s enigmatic president, Vladimir Putin.
Blogs – Netcasts
DARPA’s Revolution in Military Affairs – Military History Podcast
The Defense Department’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was founded in 1958 in order to ensure that the science gap remained in the US’s favor.
Clausewitz, Nonlinearity, and the Unpredictability of War – Blog Them Out of the Stone Age
While preparing for Studies in Military Thought, my upcoming graduate readings course, I was pleased to discover that Alan Beyerchen’s article, “Clausewitz, Nonlinearity, and the Unpredictability of War,†is available online. Originally published in International Security 17:3 (Winter, 1992), pp. 59-90, it’s one of the most original and stimulating essays on Clausewitz to appear in many years. If you’ve never read it, it’s an intellectual treat you owe yourself.
American Civil War: Joshua L. Chamberlain – Military History
Born in Brewer, ME on September 8, 1828, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain was the eldest child of Joshua and Sarah Chamberlain. A gifted student, he taught himself Greek in order to attend Bowdoin College in 1848. While at Bowdoin he met Harriet Beecher Stowe and listened to readings of what would become Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
Synthesizers – Investigations of a Dog
This week I’ve been looking at some general works of synthesis/survey on the causes of the English/British Civil War/Revolution: R. C. Richardson, The Debate on the English Revolution (1998); Norah Carlin, The Causes of the English Civil War (1999); and Gerald Aylmer, Rebellion or Revolution? (1986).
British Cruiser Classes of the First World War – Military History Blog on the Web
We start with a a list of British Cruiser Classes of the First World War.
WebOps is a weekly report linking to military history news and articles published in mainstream online media. Excerpts are taken exactly as they are on the noted source websites; quotation marks are not used. The hyperlinks are added by me as I can find them. Please visit the Armchair Forums to discuss the topics in WebOps. If you just can’t wait until Sunday for the next WebOps, plug yourself into the new Armchair General WebOps feed and get each link as its posted!
Stay Alert, Stay Alive!
Jim H. Moreno