ACG WebOps (22-28 October 2006)
Welcome to WebOps, Armchair General’s first website column! Here you’ll find an array of links relative to military history news, articles, websites, and more. Topics included this week: Sergeant Alvin C. York, The Blue and Gray and Black, Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky, The Remembering Project, and “Could the British Have Won the American War of Independence?â€. Clicks away!
Much is heard in today’s news about a rising conflict between America’s military representation on our nation’s schools and universities. This conflict doesn’t seem to exist at Cornell University, where their Scabbard and Blade Society recently honored the Memorial Shrine on campus.
{default}War Memorial Honored – The Cornell Daily Sun
Chapters of the Black Pilots of America recently held their annual Fall Fly-in Aviation Celebration at the Millville Army Airfield Museum in Millville, New Jersey.
Black pilots celebrate history, future of flight – The Daily Journal
Veterans are starting a push in a Southern California county to allocate an entire weekend to honor their local fallen warriors.
Effort seeks full weekend to honor veterans – (video)
Reporters in Houston, Texas, had the honor recently of flying in a vintage B-17 bomber, part of a national tour being sponsored by Experimental Aircraft Association.
New mission for ‘Flying Fortress’ –
The 45th Infantry Division Museum in Oklahoma City recently began a campaign to collect information and items related to modern day military history in the making.
Marking military time –
"An American military officer based in Germany says that he has located with some certainty the spot on which the World War I hero, Sergeant Alvin C. York, carried out his famous exploit in the Argonne forest of northeastern France."
Proof offered of Sergeant York’s war exploits – International Herald Tribune
"In some parts of the country, the Civil War is still being fought. And perhaps nowhere are the aftershocks and viewpoints as evident as in Richmond, where a new museum is attempting to tell the history of the war from three angles. That would be: the Union, the African American and the Confederate."
The Blue and Gray and Black –
"A visit to the museum is essential for the well-being of Turkish democracy Republic Day celebrations throughout Turkey on Oct. 29 mark the commemoration of the 1923 proclamation of the Republic of Turkey and the election of Atatürk as Turkey’s first president"
Museum honoring Atatürk chronicles birth of the Turkish nation – Turkish Daily News
"Prior to the United States involvement in World War II, a Marine aviation squadron was born, marking the birth of another aircraft carrier based squadron. It continues to operate to this day under the name Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 251, while making its mark in the history books."
Thunderbolts Add to Their Rich History –
Here’s a rundown on the recent 2006 convention of the Jewish War Veterans of the USA, held this year Richmond, Virginia.
The Jewish Veteran – Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America
Matt’s Today in History blog / netcast has a documented account of the life of helicopter pioneer Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky.
Igor Sikorsky Dies, October 26, 1972 – Matt’s Today in History
A free lecture on the Great War Archaeology by Andrew Robertshaw, Head of Learning, Interpretation and Public Programmes at the National Army Museum will be taking place at 1pm on Wednesday 1 November at the Royal Marines Museum.
"Fort Loudoun State Historic Park will present a living history weekend on Nov. 4-5 along with a special performance by the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment on Saturday, Nov. 4, beginning at 4 p.m."
Fort Loudoun State Park Announces Living History Weekend And Concert –
It has taken Grant McAvoy an entire year to gather items from Canada’s military history, which he will be showing off this coming November 7, 8 and 9, entitled "The Remembering Project".
Abbotsford’s wartime commitment on display – BCNG Portals Page
Books & Movies
"Barry Strauss, Cornell historian, and most recently author of "The Battle of Salamis" (named one of the best books of 2004 by the Washington Post), draws upon new archaeological, linguistic and cultural evidence to conclude that the [Trojan] war did indeed take place, though not precisely as Homer would have us believe. "The Trojan War: A New History" is an eminently approachable slice of popular history that will give any reader a clear understanding of the Bronze Age world, its cultural preoccupations, social mores and military techniques."
‘Trojan War’ history fascinating, if not scientific – Wichita Eagle
"Two of Hollywood’s biggest war films of the last decade, Steven Spielberg’s 1998 D-Day masterpiece Saving Private Ryan and Clint Eastwood’s new Iwo Jima saga Flags of Our Fathers, dramatize some of the fiercest campaigns in military history."
War stories for the ages –
"“Don’t Tread on Me: A 400-Year History of America at War†(Crown Forum) is the latest offering from H.W. Crocker III, the senior editor of Regnery Publishing (a HUMAN EVENTS sister company)."
Unofficial Motto: Don’t Tread on Me – Human Events Online (interview)
"Modern wars can be fought with jets and missiles, guided by satellites. But, as author Max Boot points out, it wasn’t always that way. As recently as World War II, he says, you couldn’t be certain that a bomb would hit within a mile of its target. Boot talks about his book, War Made New: Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History, 1500 to Today and answers listener questions."
Max Boot’s Look at the Changing Face of Warfare – NPR (audio)
"Last Friday Jeremy Black visited the Mershon Center and gave a couple of presentations — an informal round table discussion of two of his books, Rethinking Military History (2004) and Introduction to Global Military History (2005); and a somewhat more formal lecture entitled, “Could the British Have Won the American War of Independence?†"
“Could the British Have Won the American War of Independence?†– Blog Them Out of the Stone Age (Real Player required)
Stay Alert, Stay Alive!
Jim H. Moreno
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