50 Great Battles and the Games They Inspired
World War II Most of the land battles can be played with The Operational Art of War III PC (Matrix Games).
BATTLE OF THE ATLANTIC – War at Sea BG (Avalon Hill, OoP)
BATTLE OF BRITAIN – Battle of Britain II: Wings of Victory PC (Shockwave Productions); Battle of Britain BG (Call Sign 7)
MOSCOW – Theater of War: Battle for Moscow PC (Battlefront.com); Drive on Moscow BG (Strategy & Tactics # 244)
MIDWAY – Battlestations Midway PC (Eidos Interactive); Midway BG (Avalon Hill, OoP)
STALINGRAD – Panzer Campaigns: Stalingrad ’42 PC (HPS); Storm Over Stalingrad BG (Multiman Publishing)
EL ALAMEIN – Desert Duel: First Alamein BG (Against the Odds)
KURSK – Drive on Kursk: July 1943 BG (Strategy & Tactics magazine # 253)
D-DAY – D-Day: The Great Crusade BG (Moments in History/Critical Hit)
LEYTE GULF – Second World War at Sea: Leyte Gulf (Avalanche Press)
AIR CAMPAIGN AGAINST JAPAN – B-29 Superfortress BG (Khyber Pass Games)
OKINAWA – "Okinawa scenario," Island War BG (SPI, OoP)
BERLIN – ATS – Berlin: Red Victory BG (Critical Hit)
Post–World War II – All but the Cold War can be played using The Operational Art of War III PC (Matrix Games)
COLD WAR – Cold War PC (Dreamcatcher Games); Twilight Struggle BG (GMT, OoP)
ISRAELI WAR OF INDEPENDENCE – Israeli Independence BG (Victory Point Games)
INCHON INVASION – Inchon, MacArthur’s Gambit BG (Command magazine # 9, OoP)
DIEN BIEN PHU – ATS Dien Bien Phu BG (Critcal Hit)
TET OFFENSIVE – Tet Offensive BG (GDW, OoP)
WAR ON TERROR – War on Terror BG (Terrorbull Games)
Do you have any favorite games on these topics that we missed? Tell us in the Comments below.
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Do you guys hate GMT games, they are still publishing many boardgames that cover quite a few of the battles listed.