“Evening in the roadstead” It is sailor’s famous song of WWII time. ******************************************************************************************** “Evening in the roadstead” (Translated by Andrey) Let’s sing, friends, we shall go in a campaign tomorrow During the fog, which will be before the dawn. Let’s sing more merry, let our gray-haired battle-tried captain Will join us in the singing. Refrain: Good bye, dear city, We shall go in a sea tomorrow. And it will be early time of a day When a known pale blue kerchief Will appear for a moment behind the stern. And evening is such pretty again That it is impossible to not sing songs. Let’s sing, friends, more harmoniously About intimate friendship, about a navy service. Repeat refrain. It became silent on the large roadstead, A fog enveloped a sea. And a wave is kissing the dear coast, And only a bayan [1] is playing quietly: Repeat refrain. the spring of 1942 Remarks of Andrey: [1] bayan is a type of an accordion ******************************************************************************************** The Russian version (translit): "Vecher na reide" Spoiomte, druz'ia, ved' zavtra v pokhod Uidiom v predrassvetnyi tuman, Spoem veselei, pust' nam podpoiot Sedoi boevoi kapitan. Pripev: Proshchai, liubimyi gorod, Ukhodim zavtra v more. I rannei poroi Mel'kniot za kormoi Znakomyi platok goluboi. A vecher opiat' khoroshii takoi, Chto pesen ne pet' nam nel'zia. O druzhbe bol'shoi, o sluzhbe morskoi Podtianem druzhnee, druz'ia. Pripev. Na reide bol'shom legla tishina, A more okutal tuman. I bereg rodnoi tseluet volna, I tikho donosit baian: Pripev. vesna 1942