“Receive us as guests, Suomi-beauty” [Suomi is the Finnish name of Finland - Andrey] This song will make glad those our Finnish, Estonian and Polish “friends” who suppose that USSR was a absolutely Evil Empire -; - ). It is the very famous Soviet song of the time of the Finnish War of 1939-40 (this war is known as “Winter War” in Finland). But Soviet people in 70-80th and modern Russians do not know this song. I want to say that the music and the voice of the singer are great. But text . . . I have to admit that I was ashamed when I translated the last three couplets of the song. It was the wrong war. . . . But I again want to repeat that the music and the voice are great so it will be very good thing for listening for the Westerners who don’t understand the meaning of words. ******************************************************************************************** “Receive us as guests, Suomi-beauty” (Translated by Andrey) The frontier miser horizon is curling By a pine forest on slopes. Receive us as guests, Suomi-beauty, Dressed in the necklace of clear lakes! Tanks are making wide cuttings, Planes are whirling in clouds, The low autumnal sun sparks The lights on bayonets. We are accustomed to know victories And we again are carrying our Red-Star glory In combats On the roads which were footworn by our grandfathers. Too much false were fabricated in these years For muddling up the Finnish people. So open trustingly halves of wide gate For us now! Neither buffoons nor cracked scribblers Will embarrass your hearts more. Your Motherland was taken away more than once And we came to return it to you. We are going to help you to punish, To be quits with an interest for a shame. Receive us as guests, Suomi-beauty Dressed in necklace of clear lakes! 1939 ******************************************************************************************** The Russian version (translit): "Prinimai nas, Suomi-krasavitsa" Sosniakom po otkosam kudriavitsia Pogranichnyi skupoi krugozor. Prinimai nas, Suomi - krasavitsa, V ozherel'e prozrachnykh ozior! Lomiat tanki shirokie proseki, Samolioty kruzhat v oblakakh, Nevysokoe solnyshko oseni Zazhigaet ogni na shtykakh. My privykli bratat'sia s pobedami, I opiat' my pronosim v boiu Po dorogam, iskhozhennym dedami, Krasnozviozdnuiu slavu svoiu. Mnogo lzhi v eti gody navercheno, Chtob zaputat' finliandskii narod. Raskryvai zhe teper' nam doverchivo Polovinki shirokikh vorot! Ni shutam, ni pisakam iurodivym Bol'she vashikh serdets ne smutit'. Otnimali ne raz vashu rodinu - My prishli vam eio vozvratit'. My prikhodim pomoch' vam raspravit'sia, Rasplatit'sia s likhvoi za pozor. Prinimai nas, Suomi - krasavitsa , V ozherel'e prozrachnykh ozer! 1939