“March of Moscow defenders” It is one of the greatest Russian military marches of WWII. Soldiers defended Moscow under the sound of this March. ******************************************************************************************** “March of Moscow defenders” (Translated by Andrey) We are going in an attack by steel lines And with a firm gait. The dear capital is behind us, Parent's house is behind us. Refrain: We shall not waver in the battle For our capital. Moscow is dear for us. We shall be like an inviolable wall, Our defense will be steel, And we shall crush and eliminate an enemy. We shall be like an inviolable wall, Our defense will be steel, And we shall crush and eliminate an enemy. Platoons align themselves with other platoons during marching, Ground drones under our legs. Dear plants are behind of us And the red stars of Kremlin are behind us.[1] Repeat refrain. We built the dear city by our hands For our happiness. And we shall take a terrible revenge on an enemy For the every riven stone. Repeat refrain. It is impossible to crush bogatyr’s [2] power, Our fire barrier is mighty. We shall bring the Fascists to graves In the foggy fields nearly Moscow! Repeat refrain. (music is playing) Repeat refrain. the beginning of 1942 Remarks of Andrey: [1] – The tower with the red star on the top is the symbol of Kremlin. [2] – bogatyrs were ancient Russian mighty warriors. ******************************************************************************************** The Russian version (translit): "Marsh zashchitnikov Moskvy" V ataku stal'nymi riadami My postup'iu tverdoi idiom. Rodnaia stolitsa za nami, Za nami roditel'skii dom Pripev: My ne drognem v boiu Za stolitsu svoiu, Nam rodnaia Moskva doroga. Nerushimoi stenoi, Oboronoi stal'noi Razgromim, unichtozhim vraga. Nerushimoi stenoi, Oboronoi stal'noi Razgromim, unichtozhim vraga. Na marshe ravniaiutsia vzvody, Gudit pod nogami zemlia. Za nami rodnye zavody I krasnye zviozdy Kremlia. Pripev. Dlia schast'ia svoimi rukami My stroili gorod rodnoi. Za kazhdyi raskolotyi kamen' Otplatim my strashnoi tsenoi. Pripev. Ne smiat' bogatyrskuiu silu,- Moguch nash zaslon ognevoi. Zagonim fashistov v mogilu V tumannykh poliakh pod Moskvoi. Pripev. (muzyka igraet ) Pripev. nachalo 1942