“May’s Moscow” It is a very famous song. This song represents very well the feelings of people about their country. ******************************************************************************************** “May’s Moscow” (Translated by Andrey) A morning colors walls of the ancient Kremlin By a delicate light. All the Soviet land wakes up Together with a dawn. Some chill go down beyond a collar, The noise on streets is becoming stronger. Good morning, dear city, the Heart of my Motherland! Refrain: You are feverish You are mighty, you are beaten by no one, My country, My Moscow, You are most beloved! Merry day kindled, Streets are noisy like a sea, Some bawls of oktyabryata [1] are heard From the open windows of a school. The May is flowing on a wide pavement Like a well-dressed river [2], It flies over Moscow-beauty By an immense song [3]. Repeat refrain. Days is finishing and coolness Refreshes and is braces. Festive city, which rested after the parade [4], Is buzzing. Here is time for meeting of loving couples! Talkative and lively Moscow [5] spreads in Gardens and boulevards. Repeat refrain. A pale blue dawn is looking on its reflection In the quiet of the Moscow-River. And night birds- steam hooting of locomotives, - Are singing. The clocks of Kremlin’s tower are striking, Stars and shade are disappearing . . . Good bye, yesterday’s day, Good morning, a new light day! Repeat refrain. 1937 Remarks of Andrey: [1] – oktyabryata are a junior schoolchildren here (7…10 years old), they had this name in the honor of October Revolution. [2] - it is about festive public here [3] - it is about songs here, songs were singed in the May. [4] – it is about the huge annual parade on the May, 1st. May, 1st was the Worker’s Solidarity International Day. [5] – it is about Moscow’s people here, not about Moscow as a city ******************************************************************************************** The Russian version (translit): "Moskva maiskaia" Utro krasit nezhnym svetom Steny drevnego Kremlia, Prosypaetsia s rassvetom Vsia Sovetskaia zemlia. Kholodok bezhit za vorot, Shum na ulitsakh sil'nei. - S dobrym utrom, milyi gorod, Serdtse Rodiny moei! Pripev: Kipuchaia, Moguchaia, Nikem nepobedimaia, Strana moia, Moskva moia, - Ty samaia liubimaia! Razgorelsia den' vesiolyi, Morem ulitsy shumiat, Iz otkrytykh okon shkoly Slyshny kriki oktiabriat. Mai techiot rekoi nariadnoi Po shirokoi mostovoi, L'iotsia pesnei neob'iatnoi Nad krasavitsei Moskvoi. Pripev. Den' ukhodit, i prokhlada Osvezhaet i bodrit. Otdokhnuvshii ot parada, Gorod prazdnichnyi gudit. Vot kogda vstrechat'sia param! Govorliva i zhiva, Po sadam i po bul'varam Rastekaetsia Moskva. Pripev. Goluboi rassvet gliaditsia V tishinu Moskvy-reki, I poiut nochnye ptitsy - Parovoznye gudki. B'iut chasy Kremlevskoi bashni, Gasnut zviozdy, taet ten'... Do svidan'ia, den' vcherashnii, Zdravstvui, novyi, svetlyi den'! Pripev. 1937