"The Internationale" It is the hymn of Communists. But it is necessary to remember that this song was the hymn of USSR up to 1944. And this song (and music) were very famous. The phrase from this song "Это есть наш последний и решительный бой." ("It is our last resolute combat.") very well harmonizes with music and "The Internationale" became the symbol of the fighting to the last. Soviet soldiers singed "The Internationale" in surrounded bunkers, in immobilized tanks and so on when they had no any chance to escape and when the Germans screamed: "Russians, surrender!". If the Soviet soldiers singed "The Internationale" in such a situation it meant that they decided to fight to the last but to not surrender. When I was getting a military education in a university we studied T-72 tank. A student asked what is the destination of a handle in the inner side of the cover of tank hatch. This handle could to lock the cover from inside of the tank so it was impossible to open this hatch from outside of the tank. Our colonel answered: "This handle is called "Lock it and sing "The Internationale". Of course, it was the unofficial, joking name of that handle. The colonel explained to us that this handle is designed for locking tank hatch if tank is immobilized and is surrounded by enemies. Also this music had much great impression. I read a story which was told by a WWII veteran. Soviet troops were defeated in the Crimea in the region of Kerch in May of 1942. They had no a way to retreat, a sea was in their rear. The Germans broke the Soviet defense, the Soviet troops retreated, they run away, all the system of the defense was broken. The veteran recalls that he with the some separate groups of soldiers went to the coast of a sea. There was no more a way to retreat. He have taken his pistol and decided that when the Germans will arrive closely he will fire the last bullet in his heart. Suddenly a sailor said: "Guys, let's die like men, let's attack Germans and die in a combat". Some soldiers and sailors gathered nearly this sailor and decided to counterattack. They went on the direction of the Germans and suddenly they heard music. A military orchestra played the music of "The Internationale". This music brought so a strong pressure to the bears of the soldiers that this group began the counterattack and new, and new soldiers and sailors joined to them. As a result of it the Germans were repelled with this spontaneous counterattack and many soldiers and sailors could escape later with the help of the some Soviet small ships which unexpectedly approached to the coast later. The veteran said that "The Internationale" and the unknown orchestra saved his life. ******************************************************************************************** "The Internationale" (Translated by Andrey) Arise, stamped by a damnation, All the world of hungry people and of slaves! Our indignant mind is boiling And is ready to lead us in a mortal combat. We shall destroy all the world of violence To its basis. And then we shall build our new world Where the persons who were "nothing" will become "everything"! Refrain (2 times): It is our last Resolute combat. The humanity will cheer up With the Internationale! Nobody - neither the God, nor the Tsar, nor a hero - Will give a deliverance to us. We shall achieve our liberation By our own hands. If you want to overthrow an oppression by a skillful hand, If you want to win back your property, Let blow up a furnace and strike boldly While the iron is hot! Repeat refrain (2 times). Only we, workers of the world-wide Great army of Labor, Have right to be owners of a land, But parasites have no such right! And if it will be the clap of a thunder Over the gang of dogs and butchers The sun will continue to shine By the light of its rays to us. Repeat refrain (2 times). ******************************************************************************************** The Russian version (translit): "Internatsional" Vstavai, prokliat'em zakleimionnyi, Ves' mir golodnykh i rabov! Kipit nash razum vozmushchionnyi I v smertnyi boi vesti gotov. Ves' mir nasil'ia my razrushim Do osnovan'ia, a zatem My nash, my novyi mir postroim, Kto byl nikem, tot stanet vsem! Pripev (2 raza ): Eto est' nash poslednii I reshitel'nyi boi, S Internatsionalom Vosprianet rod liudskoi! Nikto ne dast nam izbavlen'ia: Ni bog, ni tsar' i ne geroi. Dob'iomsia my osvobozhden'ia Svoeiu sobstvennoi rukoi. Chtob svergnut' gniot rukoi umeloi, Otvoevat' svoio dobro, - Vzduvaite gorn i kuite smelo, Poka zhelezo goriacho! Pripev (2 raza ). Lish' my, rabotniki vsemirnoi Velikoi armii truda! Vladet' zemlioi imeem pravo, No parazity - nikogda! I esli grom velikii grianet Nad svoroi psov i palachei, Dlia nas vsio tak zhe solntse stanet Siiat' ogniom svoikh luchei. Pripev (2 raza ).