"What the Motherland is Starting with" It is the very good famous after-war song from the mini TV-series "Shchit i mech" ("A shield and a sword"). This movie was about an agent of the Soviet intelligence in Third Reich during WWII. [Rem: AMVAS. Russian word "Shchit" may sounds like one more famous English rude word which all of you knows, but in Russian it means "Shield" only 8)))) ] ******************************************************************************************** "What the Motherland is Starting with" (Translated by Andrey) What the Motherland is starting with? It is starting with a picture in your ABC-book, With good faithful comrades Living in the neighbor courtyard. But, maybe, it is starting With a song which was sang us by mother, With thing which nobody is able to take away from us, In any ordeals. What the Motherland is starting with? With the dear bench near gates, With the birch, inclining under a wind, Is growing in the field. But, maybe, it is starting With the spring leading song of a starling And with a byroad, Which has no visible end. What the Motherland is starting with? With windows which are shining far away, With father's old "budionnovka" [1] Which we found somewhere in wardrobe. But, maybe, it is starting With knock of carriage wheels, With the oath which was taken by you In your heart in the time of your youth. What the Motherland is starting with? Remarks of Andrey: [1] budionnovka is the Soviet military cap which was used firstly in Red troops of Budionnyi during the Civil War; it was replaced with a sided-cap and a fur-cap directly before the German invasion in 1941. Rem. AMVAS - but it was used I the course of WW2 in training military schools. ******************************************************************************************** The Russian version (translit): "S chego nachinaetsia Rodina?" S chego nachinaetsia Rodina? S kartinki v tvoiom bukvare. S khoroshikh i vernykh tovarishchei, Zhivushchikh v sosednem dvore. A mozhet, ona nachinaetsia S toi pesni, chto pela nam mat', S togo, chto v liubykh ispytaniiakh U nas nikomu ne otniat'. S chego nachinaetsia Rodina? S zavetnoi skam'i u vorot. S toi samoi beriozki, chto vo pole Pod vetrom skloniaias' rastiot. A mozhet, ona nachinaetsia S vesennei zapevki skvortsa I s etoi dorogi prosiolochnoi, Kotoroi ne vidno kontsa. S chego nachinaetsia Rodina? S okoshek, goriashchikh vdali. So staroi ottsovskoi budionovki, Chto gde-to v shkafu my nashli. A mozhet, ona nachinaetsia So stuka vagonnykh kolios I s kliatvy, kotoruiu v iunosti Ty ei v svoem serdtse prinios. S chego nachinaetsia Rodina?